Protection against electronic eavesdropping

Integrated security systems

Advisory and expert assesment of security systems

Case studies

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Intruder alarm and security lighting systems

Detection of the intentions or facts of perimeter intrusion via climbing or damaging the fence. Solutions based on vibro-, microvawe, active and passive optoelectronic infrared sensors.

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Access control systems (ACS)

Access to the site according to predefined permission levels via the use of various personal identificators.

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Video surveillance systems

Deploying network-distributed architecture, which includes units in different cities of Ukraine, with a single center of management and monitoring.

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License plate recognition systems integrated with vehicles weight control systems

Automation of the process of granting acces to vehicles according to the rule of matching the recognised license plate with the coresponding identificator in acces control system.

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Structured cabling systems

High fault tolerance due to the use of reliable equipment, redundancy creation, competent administration, and maintenance. Reducing the cost of upgrading the system.

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Fire detection and alarm systems

Simplicity of use and reliability, which is time-tested.13 years of 24-hour working capacity provided that all modern requirements are met.

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Solutions for shopping malls and retail based on videoanalytics

Counting of visitors registered in database earlier, as well as new guests (those that are not registered in databse), based on face recognition module with an option to display information in form of reports.


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